New Fines for ARC Violators

Dear Property Owners,

We have an issue with property owners making changes to their property without going through the correct steps of filling out the online Architectural Review Committee (ARC) form requesting approval. Several property owners have made changes without seeking permission from the Har-ber Meadows ARC.

The correct process to make a change for your property or landscaping is to fill out an application online and receive approval for that change in writing from the ARC before actual construction or alterations are made. This approval is needed for any change on the exterior of your home or yard.

Some but not all items that require approval are

  • Additions to the House
  • Painting of the Exterior
  • Roof Replacements
  • Pergolas
  • Landscaping Modifications
  • Tree Removal
  • New Driveway or Patio

When in doubt, please fill out the application.

The ARC meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month and will review the application and either approve or disapprove or ask for additional information before voting on the application. The process works and has aided in keeping property values high in the neighborhood.

Because of the number of violations (making changes without gaining approval), the Har-ber POA passed a recommendation at the July meeting that future violations by property owners will incur a $500.00 fine and the very real possibility of having to remove the unapproved change from their property at their cost. If the property owner ignores the fine, a lien will be placed on their property by the POA attorney for the fine and interest until paid

The process for approval for Architectural changes is in the covenants of the Har-ber subdivision and is nothing new. We have had a rash of unapproved changes, and it has to stop.

The fines go into place on September 1st, 2019. Please give this your attention and follow the rules.

Please get on board and help us help you by completing an Architectural Review Committee Application if you plan on making changes to your property.

Best Regards

Duane Rhodes

Har-ber Meadows POA & Har-Ber Meadows ARC Committee


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