Time to Replace Trees

Har-Ber Meadows is known for beautiful trees. The street and common area trees of Har-Ber Meadows are one of the distinguishing amenities that differentiate our neighborhood from others in Northwest Arkansas.

If you have removed a tree for any reason; that tree needs to be replaced now that we are coming to the fall planting season. This is required by Har-Ber Meadows Protective Covenants and Builders Guide.

Sharum’s Nursery has offered to give all Har-Ber Meadows residents a 20% discount on all tree orders. Contact Jacob at (479) 361-9180 to take advantage of this generous offer.

If you would like to hire planting service, Custom Lawn Care NWA plants the POA Common Area trees each year to POA planting specifications. Please contact Daryl Ottaviano at (479) 200-4449 to inquire about his services.

For the Arkansas State Arborist recommended street tree species and planting specifications, please email managementiiillc@cox.net

If you would like more information on what kind of trees can be planted (Street Trees) please see our original post on this.

Please contact the ARC if you have a diseased tree that you plan on removing before replacing. Removal of any tree needs the approval of the ARC.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

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