Dear Fellow Residents,
I believe most of you are aware that there have been multiple break-ins of vehicles in our neighborhood recently. The purpose of this note is to notify anyone who is not aware of these events, so you can take precaution to avoid becoming a victim.
Some suggestions and these are not all inclusive:
What we are doing:
Har-ber Meadows has a couple of police officers who patrol our neighborhood at random intervals.
We are looking into the cost and technology to add surveillance technology in the neighborhood. This is being researched now and has been for some time. We hold to have a good solution shortly.
If you would like to become a member of a neighborhood watch, please contact John Duke, our property manager. Based upon the amount of interest and commitment by residents he receives we will work to set up a watch. This has been done before, but over time the interest and participation have failed.
We have a great neighborhood, and I am disappointed that we have this going on here. With all of your help and diligence, we will get this issue addressed and solved.
Thank you,
Duane Rhodes
Har-ber Meadows POA Board
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