We are happy to announce the Har-Ber Meadows Property Owners’ Association’s Annual Meeting will be held on Monday evening, May 20, 2024, in Founders Park!
Signature Bank will again host a “cook-out” with hamburgers, hotdogs, and all the fixings from 5:00 until 7:00. They will provide tables, chairs, yard games, inflatables, and a P.A. system. Stop by Signature Bank and be sure to let them know you are a Har-Ber Meadows resident. Other local businesses may participate and/or provide drawing prizes. We are fortunate to have these local sponsors who are committed to our community, and we urge you to express your appreciation to them.
An election will be held to fill two Board of Director positions. The following candidates are running for the following positions. This same list will be posted on the POA’s website at least 10 days before the meeting.
Position 1, Vacant David Wilson
Deborah Goff
Position 4, Vacant Abigail Horsager
The meeting will begin at approximately 6:00 with the agenda consisting of an introduction, highlights from 2023 and a drawing for prizes. If you will be unable to attend the annual meeting and wish to vote by proxy, please contact the POA at harbermeadowspoa@managementiiillc.com to obtain a Har-Ber Meadows voting proxy.
We look forward to visiting with our neighbors at the annual meeting. Regular business board meetings are held throughout the year. Meeting dates are on the website calendar and members are always welcome to attend.
In the event of rain, you can vote at Signature Bank and pick up packaged meals.
The Har-Ber Meadows Property Owners’ Association Board of Directors
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