April 2013 Minutes

Har-Ber Meadows POA Board Meeting

April 22, 2013

Board Members in attendance were: Rob Frits, Nancy Brown, Glenn Jones, Tommy Hensen, Jerry Martin, Rob Stark, Ralph Gresham, and Jamey Smithson.

Board Member absent: Judy Hammond,.

Also in attendance were Alicia Hines, Treasurer; John Duke, Property Manager, and Matt Baker, ARC.

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by President, Rob Frits.

Declaration of Quorum: President Rob Frits presiding.

Resident Concerns:

  • Our police officers were present to let us know egging cars and property in the area has occurred. There has also been two instances of other vandalism.
  • They have, however, reduced the occurrences of cars parking in the wrong direction and have given more attention to cars running the stop sign in front of the pool.


  • An employee at Arkansas Support Network named Byron just wanted to point out ‘whitening’ occurring on brick structures in the area. He brought several pictures showing where water gets into small cracks and openings, causing white deposits on the brick. He also warned that left unattended, it would cause the brick to crack and cost much more to fix if not corrected now. John Duke will check into this matter.


  • Bobbye Kelly stated she is concerned that the sentence in March 2013 minutes under Resident Tree Replacement was against covenant policy. It was determined that the statement had erroneously been entered , when in fact there was just general discussion by the board with no motions made or passed. She requested that we refer to the April 2012 minutes. The minutes will be amended before approval.


New Business:

Steve Lisle was here to discuss the swim team and practice. He received 40 possible ‘yes’ responses. He also stated that we will not need targets, that the pool hours we requested are doable, but they will need ropes. But the cost is down to $1600. to $1700. Jerry Martin moved, seconded by Rob Stark that we will authorize up to $1700.00 for the purchase of ropes and hooks to be used as lane markers in the pool. The motion passed 8-0.

Annual Meeting: set for May 20, 2013.

John Duke stated that Signature Bank reported they were ‘good to go’ with food, and they were soliciting other food and drawing prizes. Everything will be the same as last year.

Alicia needs information for the newsletter, including reports from the Security, Accounting, and the Property Manager to be mailed with invoices.


Secretary’s Report: presented by Nancy Brown. The March minutes had previously been emailed to board members for their review. Jerry Martin moved, seconded by Ralph Gresham to approve the minutes as amended. (The statement next to item 11. Resident Tree Replacement Discussion ‘residents are responsible for care and replacement of trees placed between sidewalk and curb in front of home’ was an error and lined through and initialed by Rob Frits and Nancy Brown, and removed from the posted minutes on the website.)


Treasurer’s Report: presented by Alicia Hines,

The March financial reports are attached and the finance committee has reviewed them with no corrections.


The accounts receivable are lower and I have collected another $9,000 during the month of April so far. The month of May will be a big month for collections as folks will want to use the pool.

The income statement is very concise. We are under budget approx $7,000 for March and $21,000 for the year. The maintenance account is where the largest decrease is. Of course, the police patrol only started back up during the last part of March.

The utilities are under budget but we assume those numbers will go up this summer.

Those are the highlights – let me know if you have questions about anything else.

Jamey Smithson moved, seconded by Ralph Gresham to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The motion passed 8-0.

Property Manager’s Report: presented by John Duke.

Management III, LLC Agenda

  1. Sidewalk Installation Update

 All Around will back fill sidewalk the week of 4/22


  1. Lawn Fertilization and Weed Control

 Ireland/Tall Oaks Loop North – have contracted with Scott’s to also cover this area.

 $50.00 additional per application ($300.00)

 Contract was revised to reflect the above


  1. Security Padlock on Pool House Exterior Door

 Installed


  1. Bridge Railing Maintenance – on hold.

 Har-Ber owned bridges:

  1. CertaPro Painters – $8,500
  2. Geels Paint – $14,979

iii. Metro Paint – Waiting on bid

 The bridges on Founder’s Park and Coyote Crossing are on the list to be painted by the City


  1. Wireless Internet Discussion – Pool House


Internet Service Only Level 1 5/1 79.95

Level 2 10/2 124.95

Level 3 15/3 199.95

Installation 69.95

Modem 49.95

If bundled with TV

Level 1 5/1 63.95

Level 2 10/2 99.95

Level 3 15/3 149.95

*1 outlet of TV with HD receiver 77.95 + tax, on sale 1st year for $47.95

Installation 0.00

Modem 0.00

Additional Equipment Estimate

(Equipment list will be available at the Board Meeting)

Cat 6 Cable – $25.00 + tax


After last month’s vote to install TV and internet at the pool, and Jamey Smithson’s comment of the liability of open access to the internet, Rob checked with Donnie Rutledge who also advised for some sort of “liability click” to monitor internet access to decrease our liability. Rob is now proposing that we purchase a MR 16 Meraki system for $828.00, (see attached paperwork). Rob Stark made a motion, seconded by Glenn Jones to purchase the Meraki system. The motion passed 9-0. Rob will install it.

In addition, and for more clarification, Rob Stark made a revised motion, seconded by Glenn Jones to purchase the following:


Level 2 TV bundled with Level 2 Internet —   $147.90 for 12 months, then $177.90/mo




Additional equipment ——————–Meraki MR 16 (license included)       $828.00

bracket —————————————————————————           $ 40.00

six cat cable———————————————————————-           $ 25.00

Total——————————————————————————-           $893.00 + tax




  1. Crumpacker Park Memorial – waiting on response from Crumpacker family.


  1. 4th of July Discussion

 Date of event – July 4th 2013

 Stellar Fireworks Specs & Proposal (See Attached) – $7500.00 includes provided insurance and would last approximately 20 minutes. Jamey Smithson stated that we need to know our obligation to him in case of a ‘burn ban’ at that time. John will get us an answer for that.


  1. Seed/Straw Bare Areas North of the Pool House Discussion

 Soil sample findings show a deficiency in Ph. This can be improved with lime applications. Scott’s recommends two applications in 2013 and will monitor the progress to determine 2014 applications.

 Steve’s Sod has given a verbal bid of 2,700 for sod. They are scheduled to measure and provide a hard bid on 4/23. Someone from the Sod Store is coming to measure the area and give us an additional bid.


  1. Common Tree Replacement

 Planting has started for the remaining Spruce trees near the 56th street sign and the additional 30 common trees. – this is almost complete. Dale Cramer will water for $175.00 per week only if needed. We will only pay for the weeks that he waters. Ralph Gresham moved, seconded by Tommy Hensen to hire Dale to do the watering. The motion passed 9-0.

 Recommendations per Logan Nursery

  1. Saw Tooth Oak
  2. Willow Oak

iii. Shumard Oak

  1. Fruitless Ash
  2. October Glory Maple
  3. Autumn Blaze Maple


  1. Resident Tree Replacement Discussion – no discussion


  1. New bridge planks need sealing. Bids will be solicited the week of 4/22 from John Duke.


  1. Bridge Light Discussion – bright bulbs have been placed in the bridge light at the 412 Entrance.


  1. Bike Rack Update-the shipping charge for the approved bike racks exceeded the actual cost of the racks. Razorback Iron Works will draw one up and give us a bid.


  1. Paver Repair

 541 Founder’s Park East – in process

 729 Founder’s Park East – in process

637 Founder’s Park East


Committee Reports:


Architectural Review Committee: presented by Matt Baker.


  • Approved the construction of a pool at a house on Francis Fair.
  • Next meeting will be tomorrow night .


Security and Neighborhood Watch: presented by Jamey Smithson. The following email was sent to board members in advance of this meeting for their review.


Note from Tommy’s Security Report from last month: “the POA Board should consider putting in writing the Rules and Duties of people working in the security area at Har-ber.”

I am working to put this together and have for the POA board review May 2013.

PASS ON: Tommy Hensen and I met to provide a good transition from Tommy to me. He identified a few items he felt would be really good for our neighborhood and I agree. One example is the neighborhood watch program. I will be working with all resources available to help get this started. Tommy has been great to answer questions as they arise and has turned over his security files to me.


POLICE: Officer Scott and Officer Jones have been working to resolve a few issues. Some examples include but not limited to the following: there have been 50+ traffic stops in the last 31 days.

1. Speeding and failure to stop
2. Enforcing one way streets
3. Parking wrong direction in the streets
4. Fishing permits
5. Generally watching for vandalism and kids egging assets, etc…

AREA’s of Concern:

1. Fishing Permits. We are finding most people are either using last year’s fishing permit OR no permit at all. Most people are saying they don’t know where to get a fishing permit.

We have found people using last year’s fishing permit which do not live in Har-Ber. It appears a resident has given their fishing permit to a friend and they continue to fish here. We are recommending we be allowed to confiscate last year’s fishing permits when we find them.

We also recommend giving every resident two fishing permits per year to be handed out with the pool passes each year and a few quick rules about fishing in Har-Ber. This would prevent ignorance to fishing at Har-Ber.

The Arkansas Support Network also “appears” to be abusing their fishing rights. There seems to be a lot of people claiming the ASN clause, but no one ever has the fishing permit on them. They have been advised without a fishing permit, we will begin writing citations for trespassing.

  1. Vandalism & Eggings

    April 6th, Robin Shadduck Adkins reported her truck was egged on Founders Park Drive East. She stated she heard loud car noises outside and visually saw a white SUV and a large white extended cab truck with big pipes racing around the pool house area. She said this happened approximately 11 PM. No Officer on duty at this time.

    April 6th, Lori Dooley-Walker also reported her car egged the same night. No officer on duty at this time.

    April 7th, Marcy Nelson-McCroskey reported her truck and four cars total egged on Bernice sometime after 9:30 PM. No officer on duty at this time.

    April 12, The Dunnigan’s who live on Wells have been having issues with graffiti on their fence. It happened again April 12 sometime after 9 PM. Springdale PD was called and are now involved. No Officer on duty at this time.
    Request and recommend to the board we purchase one camera from www.reconyx.com to assist officers with acute issues such as the graffiti, Eggings in same locations and pool during overnight hours. To be used in areas not considered city of Springdale property.

April 19, 2013, Barry and Mira Graves reported her purse had been taken from her unlocked car which sat outside all night. They also said their neighbors car had the console opened during the night which was also an unlocked car outside all night.

  1. Pool House: every year we have teenagers jumping the fence late at night and swimming in the middle of the night. We have repaired the fence several times due to this. Does the board want me to address this for the Summer of 2013?

We are coming up with some solutions and recommendations for the POA Board to consider moving forward.
Thank you,
Jamey Smithson


Ralph Gresham moved, seconded by Jerry Martin to authorized up to $700.00 to purchase a CR Charlie 950 camera. The motion passed 9-0.


Landscape and Facilities: Judy Hammond has agreed to chair this committee.

Yard of the Month: Glenn Jones will start awards next month.

Long Range Planning Committee: 56th Street – still 2-3 years out, but Jerry Martin recommended the need to notify the city early on any matter. Rob Frits will join and start attending the committee meetings.


Old Business Follow-Up:

  • Swim Team Update – done earlier in meeting.
  • Easter Egg Hunt – done earlier in meeting.



Voting and Board Authorizations via email: 3-26-13 to 4-26-13

None during this time.


With no further business, Ralph Gresham moved, seconded by Tommy Hensen to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed 8-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m..

Respectfully submitted this 24th day of June 2013.






Rob Frits, President




Nancy Brown, Secretary











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