Har-Ber Meadows Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

Saturday, April 16

The Annual Har-Ber Meadows Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 16. Meredith Porbeck will be organizing the event again this year. Thank you Meredith! Please drop off 12 pre-filled eggs per child by 9:00 A.M. at Founder’s Park. The Hunt will start at 10:00 A.M. with 3 different age categories.

Age Categories

    •    0-2 years

    •    3-6 years

    •    7-12 years

Volunteers are needed and encouraged to help decorate, organize raffle prizes and hide Easter eggs beginning at 9:00 A.M. Breakfast will be provided for volunteers. Prizes will be donated by the Har-Ber Meadows POA and other Har-Ber Meadows commercial residents. If your company or business would like to donate pre-filled eggs or prize baskets (adult or child) please contact Meredith or Elaine Wheat at (501) 425-0143 with any questions or to volunteer. The Easter Bunny will be making an appearance for pictures and to visit the children.

Hope to see you there!

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