2018 Spring Har-Ber Meadows Update

Happy springtime to each of you. Hopefully we will have better springtime weather going forward. We are only a couple months away from the pool being opened and the school year ending.

I wanted to take the time to remind everyone that it’s time for spring cleaning and to get your yard ready for the summer. The common area’s had their first mowing last week. Here is a quick checklist for all residents:

  • Trim your trees, especially those by the sidewalk so not to interfere with your neighbors walking and use of the sidewalk.
  • Plant missing trees. Our neighborhood is well known for the blooms in the spring and the awesome colors in the fall. Take a look and if you need a tree replaced, please have it done. If you would like a list of recommended species, email manager@harbermeadows.org.
  • Clean out those flower beds before Summer gets here and the weeds really start to grow.
    If you have mildew on the siding of your home; a power washer will remove it.
  • Some of our lawns have a pretty good stand of weeds-please review with your lawn service and let’s get the neighborhood in great shape.
  • Please do not blow grass clippings into the lakes.
  • Keep those puppies on a leash when you are walking your pets. There have been a few instances and complaints about animals not being kept on a leash.

These are a shortlist but if you take care of your investment by following up on these points your neighbors will appreciate it and your property will be looking good.

As an update, the major brick work on the bridges has been completed and we are now looking at putting a new coat of paint on the painted area of the street bridges.

We will have four lake clean-up days spread out by month. These will be posted on the Web site. Please come out on these Saturday mornings to help. It’s a good way to meet your neighbors and I’ll bring the donuts.

Some reminders:

  • If you are going to do a project on your property fences, roofs, painting, landscaping or any other project; you will need to fill out an ARC form. Please do this and the ARC committee will quickly get with you to approve or notify you of any changes you need make to meet covenants. This can save you time and money. Please do not start a project before you have completed the forms and gotten feedback from the ARC Committee.
  • There are two positions open for the board this time. If you have interest; please email manager@harbermeadows.org so we can get your information and put you on the ballot. The election will be held at the summer cookout. We are always in need of new board members; so please put your name in if you would like to serve the community.
  • Airbnb: The POA’s Board of Directors is currently evaluating the impact that short-term vacation rentals such as Airbnb and VBO have on the neighborhood as well as whether rentals of this nature unreasonably interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the residents. The ballot will contain a section for your input regarding this issue. Please be sure to give us your input at the voting table during the Annual Meeting.
  • Security: Please keep your vehicles and homes locked. Look out for each other and report any suspicious activity to the police.
  • Fishing permits will be available at the annual meeting /cookout. Please see Ralph Grisham or Scot Jeffus.
  • We will also be poling residents on some projects for next year at the annual meeting to see what we have the most interest in doing from a property owners perspective.

Please try to make the annual meeting if you can. I hope all of you are able to make this one. Your opinion and vote counts.
Well enough of these reminders; I hope each of you are enjoying the neighborhood and are getting ready for a really great Summer. Har-ber Meadows is a one of a kind community and a great place to live and raise your family.

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