My neighbor parks his work truck all night on the street, isn’t that against the law?

No, that is not against the law. The streets in Har-Ber Meadows are public, city streets and residents are allow to use them with a few restrictions. The City of Springdale Ordinance Sec. 114-58. – Street parking and emergency access part c states that:

Street parking in residential areas, where otherwise allowed, shall be limited to parking adjacent to property owned or occupied by the operator of the vehicle, or with permission of the owner or occupant of the property. Provided, however, that this limitation shall not apply to the parking of vehicles for temporary events (such as garage sales or parties) for a period not to exceed three hours.

The Har-Ber Meadows Protected Covenants (Covenant IX. Section 22) also provide some guidance including: No eighteen-wheel vehicles and other similar large van or flat-bed type vehicles may be parked
on any public street right-of-way, front yard area or on driveways except to deliver merchandise or other materials to residents or construction sites.

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