July 2012 Minutes

Har-Ber Meadows POA Board Meeting

July 23, 2012

Board Members in attendance were: Rob Frits, Judy Hammond, Nancy Brown, George Kelly, Jamey Smithson, Tommy Hensen, Ralph Gresham, Jerry Martin, Rob Stark, and Glenn Jones.

Also in attendance were Alicia Hines, Treasurer; John Duke, Property Manager; and Tom Jefcoat; ARC.

The meeting was called to order at 6:28 p.m. by Rob Frits.

Declaration of Quorum

Resident Comments/Concerns:

  • Richard Kuehl wanted to make the board aware that gaps between the planks in the foot bridges over the lakes were widening. These bridges were repaired last year. John Duke stated that the planks were floating planks, but that he would contact the supplier and see what could be done. Possibly add some more bolts.
  • Alice Rappe had three items she wanted to bring to the board’s attention. First, the sidewalks are buckling and cracking. John Duke said he had made an inventory of all the problem areas but was not getting good response from the city. He suggested she call him and he would give her the name and phone number of who to contact in local government. Second, she asked for a ‘residents only’ fishing sign at Ross Lake. John stated that one was already being made and he should have it shortly. Last, she is concerned about the Pekin ducks that someone dumped in the lake. These ducks do not fly and the water level is so low that they cannot get out of the water to dry land. At this point, there is nothing to do unless some residents would like to build a ramp.
  • Richard Wilson suggested that fishing in Founder’s Park ponds be set aside for children only.
  • Mike and Pamela Jansen asked for a variance to allow river rock instead of mulch in their landscaping. This was a DTS house and proper applications were not submitted to the ARC. After much discussion and in order to uphold the covenants and the ARC’s decision, the board voted against granting a variance, 3 for and 7 against.

Board Officer Election and Terms:

Secretary Jerry Martin moved that Nancy Brown serve as Secretary; seconded by Judy Hammond. The motion passed 10-0.

Vice-President – George Kelly moved that Judy Hammond serve as Vice-President, seconded by Ralph Gresham. The motion passed 10-0.

President – Judy Hammond moved that Rob Frits serve as President, seconded by Rob Stark. The motion passed 10-0.





Board of Directors current term limits were set as follows:



Har-Ber Meadows POA Board of Directors


Position 1                                Rob Stark                    6/30/2016

Position 2                                Judy Hammond          6/30/2016

Position 3                                Ralph Gresham           6/30/2016

Position 4                                Rob Frits                     6/30/2015

Position 5                                Jamey Smithson          6/30/2015

Position 6                                George Kelly               6/30/2015

Position 7                                Nancy Brown             6/30/2014

Position 8                                Thomas Henson          6/30/2014

Position 9                                Glenn Jones                6/30/2014

Position 10                              Jerry Martin               6/30/2015


New Board members are Rob Stark and Glenn Jones. Ralph Gresham and Judy Hammond were both re-elected to new 4 year terms. Jerry Martin was re-elected to fill out the remaining 3 years of a term.

Secretary’s Report: presented by Nancy Brown. The minutes had been previously emailed to all board members in advance for their review. Judy Hammond moved that the minutes for the June 2012 meeting be approved, seconded by Jerry Martin. The motion passed 10-0.

Financial Report: presented by Alicia Hines.

  • George Kelly noted that there were three items on page 3 of the financial report in which the depreciated cost was greater than the original cost of the item. Alicia stated that the software application she uses automatically calculates the depreciation value, and that she has to manually override the system when it reached full depreciation value. She will do that before the next report.
  • The new certificate of deposit has been set up at Signature Bank where we can get a higher rate of interest.
  • The electric and water bills have been very high due to use of irrigation systems and the use of the well pump and pool house.
  • She will start getting her reports to the board sooner for their review prior to board meetings.

Jerry Martin moved that the financial reports for June 2012 be approved, seconded by Rob Stark. The motion passed 10-0.


Committee Reports:

Architectural Review Committee: presented by Tom Jefcoat.

  • Tom will send the report to the board members prior to the next meeting concerning the proposed clinic to be built on Isaac’s Orchard.
  • The ARC approved signage for the child care clinic.
  • An application for a fence is currently being reviewed.

Security Committee: presented by Tommy Hensen.

  • Nothing has been done on the Neighborhood Watch program during the last month.
  • The off-duty police officers that patrol the area reported egg throwing in the area. Juveniles were apprehended and arrested.
  • The newspaper reported there had been a house break-in on Coyote Crossing, but that was in error. It was a truck that was vandalized with vulgar graffiti written on it.

Lakes Report: presented by Ralph Gresham.

Due to the extensive drought situation this summer, the lakes (mainly Ross Lake by the pool and Joyce Lake on Elizabeth Ave.) are in dire need of rain. The oxygen level in the water is lessening and if it does not rise, we could experience an extensive fish kill followed by a very extensive cleanup. Ralph Gresham moved that he be permitted to purchase up to $4000.00 of water from the Springdale Water Department to raise the lake levels 1-2 inches. The motion was seconded by Jerry Martin. The motion was not passed 3 for-7 against. Tom Jefcoat addressed the board of directors and argued that this was a mistake. The lack of water in these man-made lakes would have far more reaching consequences than just the fish kill. After further discussion, Judy Hammond moved, seconded by Jerry Martin to have Ralph Gresham monitor the oxygen levels in the lakes. And if the oxygen levels fell to a dangerous level, then Ralph has the authority to purchase $2000.00 worth of water for each lake needing water or a total up to $4,000.00. The motion passed 9-1.

Landscape and Facilities Committee: presented by George Kelly.

A Tree Management Program report dated July 6, 2012 was submitted to all board members. The report concluded with three specific recommendations: (Slightly modified from the original report)

(1) Order three 30-count packages of irrigation rings for immediate use on young common area trees.
(2) Hire someone to refill the rings two times per week until sufficient rains come, using the POA water tank and trailer.
(3) Have All Around expedite removal of dead street trees.

Recommendations for follow-up action includes:

(1) Invite Patti Erwin to speak at a special meeting of the board to discuss tree management at HBM.
(2) Formulate a five-year plan and budget to maintain existing trees, remove dead trees, and plant new preferred urban tree varieties.
(3) Formulate provisions for residents to water and care for residential street trees planted by the POA.

The committee wishes to point out that selection of trees as required by the Builders Guide has never, even by the original developer, been followed. Examples:

Required trees on Coyote Crossing – Shumard Oak
Dancing Rabbit- Water Oak
JTL Parkway – Willow Oak
Young Farm Ave. – Shumard Oak
Tall Oaks Loop North – Shumard Oak
Tall Oaks Loop South – Shumard Oak
56th Street – Shumard Oak
Doris Court – Water Oak
Floy Court – Willow Oak
Francis Fair Parkway – Water Oak
Hazel Court – Willow Oak

This is not a complete analysis of all the streets in HBM where tree species have not been followed. This merely points out that we might not have the tree problems today had the Builders Guide been followed. A new and updated listing of tree species should be made by a tree specialist for HBM to follow in the future.

Maintenance Recommendations:

(1) Repair broken light fixture at the 412 entrance sign.

(2) Lights on the 56th street sign burn 24 hours a day.

George Kelly


Board discussion during the meeting is as follows:

  • Saving the trees from the borer insects and the drought is the most pressing problem.
  • In order to help formulate a plan, George contacted Patti Erwin, Arkansas Forestry Commission.” who is knowledgeable on the issue and will speak to us. We need to set up a special meeting on Aug. 6th or the 8th.
  • Currently John Duke and Ralph Gresham have Dale Cramer using 5 gallon buckets to water the trees.
  • The 56th Street pines are dying. George wants Logan’s Nursery to replace these since they have been watered and are under warranty.
  • George is more concerned with the street trees, and recommends using a watering ring which he has located and brought one to the meeting for consideration. The ring fits around the base of the tree trunk and is filled with 15 gallons of water which slowly drains into the soil around the base of the tree. Judy Hammond moved, seconded by Ralph Gresham the we start by purchasing 30 bags at $15.00 each and continue using Dale Cramer to fill and monitor their use and results. The motion passed 10-1.

Yard of the Month Committee: presented by Judy Hammond.

  • The award winners for July 2012 are Mike and Karen Cordell at 6400 Elizabeth Ave.
  • Judy Hammond is also relinquishing her position as committee chairman due to her new duties added as Vice-President. Rob Frits appointed Glenn Jones as the new Yard of the Month Committee Head.

Property Manager’s Report: presented by John Duke.

  • Residential and Commercial Street Trees: This is on hold until we have a special landscaping meeting on 8-6-12.
  • 2012 landscaping contract performance discussion: Ralph Gresham noted that trash collection has improved. Rob Frits noted that response time to requests is better. We will keep All Around Landscaping for the time being but will put them on a 30 day notice again if performance deteriorates.
  • 4th of July event: John stated we needed to vote on reimbursement of $300.00 for the license to show the movie, $100.00 for the sound system, and $35.00 for the screen, for a total of $435.00. Ralph Gresham moved to reimburse the appropriate parties for the movie event on the 4th of July. The motion passed 10-0. The board also authorized John Duke to start getting bids now for a licensed pyrotechnician for 2013.
  • Ross Lake discussion: the new resident only fishing sign has been ordered; park benches need repainting; pavers need to be repaired, and a new trash can is needed. Rob Frits asked John to start getting bids on the benches and pavers. Ralph Gresham moved that John Duke be authorized up to $500.00 for the bench and paver repairs. The motion was seconded by Jerry Martin. The motion passed 10-0. Rob Frits also asked John to spec out where trash cans are needed and the cost.
  • Pool house improvement: John would like the board to consider possible needed improvements to the pool house—repaint floor with an anti-slip coating, paint the walls, possible new furniture, install a bike rack, and plant shrubbery around the fence perimeter. Rob Frits asked John to start working on these items by getting bids.
  • The broken light at the Hwy 412 entrance is fixed.


Voting and Board Authorizations via email: 6-26-12 to 7-22-12


1). I have talked with Jamy Livingston and Brian Pruden about the likely hood of there being a burn ban in place by July 3. Jamy would like to put on the even for the ENTIRE neighborhood except for the fireworks. She has the hog grill, games, a band, and other activities planned. She has also looked in to showing a kid friendly movie in lieu of fireworks at dark in Crumpacker Park. She has located a large screen and projector for $800. I don’t know what she has found out about the copy right requirements at this point. She tells me she has had good feedback from the community about the event and the people I have spoken to have also expressed an interest in attending. The $350 contribution for food and the $800 for the projector and screen would be considerably less than has already been approved for the event. Please let me know your thoughts. I have turned on the voting option in case you want to vote. Thanks. posted by John Duke 6-26-12. The vote was 4 ‘for’ and 2 ‘against.


2). I have been ask to re-post the details of the event for tomorrow night for a vote:

The cookout for the entire community will continue as planed like it has in the past. The POA contribution would be $350. There will be games, a band, the Hog grill, and other activities. The movie will begin at dark. The licensing fee will be $300, the sound system for the movie will be $100, and the screen cost is $35. The Livingston’s have a projector that they will use in lieu of renting. The total cost of the event would be $785 if approved.


This was posted by John Duke on 7-2-12 and the vote was 4 ‘for’ and 0 ‘against.


Old Business:

The possibility of having a movie night in the park is back on the agenda.


Rob Frits added that he would like to form a Financial Committee in the future.


With no further business, Jerry Martin moved, seconded by Judy Hammond to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted this 27th day of August 2012.





Rob Frits, President





Nancy Brown, Secretary









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